«Abril INTERCULTURAL» – del 8 al 20 de Abril

Con el objetivo de promover una convivencia intercultural basada en el respeto y la paz, vamos a participar y organizar distintas actividades a lo largo del mes. Contando con la participación…

UNITED: Understand Neighbors Integration Through European Dances

Del 16 al 24 de febrero, en Fasano, tuvo lugar un intercambio juvenil en el que participaron 6 personas españolas en representación de nuestra entidad. Aquí podeis ver el resultado…

Social entrepreneurship – Emprendimiento Social

Social enterprises (Third Sector Enterprises) are a growing sector within the UK and co-operatives and other models of community-based enterprise are developing across Europe, not always recognised as such or…

Fighting Islamophobia – Erasmus+

During one week (14/Feb- 18/Feb), we have had the opportunity to discover the work that some organisations are developing in the fight against Islamophobia and racism in general. Thanks to…

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