Seasonal Greetings – 2017-2018

TED Thought Education Dissemination (Poland – January2018)

T.E.D. – Thought Education Dissemination An idea, we all have it. In the morning while drinking a coffee we think, we reflect on greater things. What if our idea would…

Gender Violence among Youth and Teenagers – Erasmus+

La prevención de la violencia machista, especialmente en el sector de la adolescencia y juventud, ha sido el tema principal de este proyecto del Ayuntamiento de Picassent en el que…

«Shared Responsibility» Badge system training

Our organisation is partner in the project about assessment and recognition of competences of youth who have low qualifications and who are out of the education/training system. We have participated…

We educate… what is your super-power???

Durante una semana, Ruben Torres, Vicent Lucena y Antonio Benaches han participado en un curso de formación para profesores y profesionales de juventud en Polonia con el tema de «los…

15 years of international cooperation – HODINA H

Our friends from Czech Republic are celebrating their 15th anniversary in internacional cooperation projects and we are very happy to be part of this story. We have been collaborating with…


During the development of the project, this was the last intellectual output, a video to show the tool created and to promote it.   Y también está disponible en español.…

Taller de Upcycling en AE Anem Avant (La Fonteta) – Y4II4Y

El sábado 20 de Mayo, los voluntarios de la organización han llevado a cabo una de las actividades diseñadas en el Training course “Youth for inclusion, inclusion for youth“ (Y4II4Y).…

Y4II4Y – Dissemination of the results

During the month of April 2017, our organisation has participated in the project Youth For Inclusion, Inclusion For Youth. These are the excellent results created: The tools: Role-play Simulation Team-bulding…

«Overcoming Islamophobia» – Erasmus+ Adult learning

During the week 2-6 of May 2017, we will host a training activity for a group of adult learning professionals. Thanks to a good cooperation with the Movimiento contra la…

Youth for inclusion, inclusion for youth – Croatia April2017

Association of deaf and hard of hearing Nova Gradiška has finished the implementation of the project activities within the KA 1 Learning mobility of individuals Training course under the title…

Multiplier events: 8KeyComp Tool

Mucha gente ya conoce los juegos de 8KeyComp. Alrededor de 18 trabajadores juveniles de distintos ámbitos, futuros educadores de tiempo libre y otros profesionales de juventud, han descubierto los 9 juegos…

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