This is our new game, developed by our Polish partners in the project Playing to learn and Learning to play (Erasmus+) DOWNLOAD ALL THE GAME AND ENJOY! Dissemination:
Mes: diciembre 2020
Wild tiles, made in Italy!
In the frame of the Playing to learn – Learning to play project, the Italian team developed this game that you can download and enjoy. Download, print-and-play And all the…
Village pillage – Our new game
In the frame of the Playing to learn – Learning to play project, we have developed 2 games that you can download and enjoy.
Fent amics – ESC Solidarity Project
Fent Amics is the new game that we have created, download and enjoy. En el projecte solidari de la nostra entitat que han dut a terme 5 joves ex-voluntaris, han…
Ruralship Empowerment STARTED
Ja hem començat el nostre projecte a Agres junt amb l’escola i l’ajuntament. Es tracta d’un projecte molt interessant de 2 anys mitjançant el que podrem descobrir bones pràctiques de…
Descobrix Erasmus+ i el CES a BANYERES DE MARIOLA
El divendres 4 de desembre i com a part de la nostra activitat associativa de donar a conèixer les oportunitats de mobilitat europees per a joves en el marc dels…