The Role of Digital Tools in Social Entrepreneurship

In today’s world, digital tools are reshaping the way social entrepreneurs tackle challenges and create lasting impact. From enhancing communication to streamlining operations, technology has become an indispensable supporter for…

The Role of Non-Formal Education in Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship has become a powerful way to tackle societal challenges by combining innovative ideas with a drive for social impact. At its core, it’s about giving people—especially young people—the…

Stronger with the brands – Erasmus+

This training activity, in the frame of Erasmus+, aim to develop a general perspective on brand and brand management. To do this, theory, tools and techniques of branding and brand management…

Abierta inscripción curso TIC para adultos

Se abre la inscripción a los cursos de uso básico de las tecnologías (pc, tablet, movil) para personas adultas. Recuerda que todos ellos son GRATUITOS pero con plazas limitadas! Los…

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