In today’s world, digital tools are reshaping the way social entrepreneurs tackle challenges and create lasting impact. From enhancing communication to streamlining operations, technology has become an indispensable supporter for…
Etiqueta: adult_learning
The Role of Non-Formal Education in Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship has become a powerful way to tackle societal challenges by combining innovative ideas with a drive for social impact. At its core, it’s about giving people—especially young people—the…
Stronger with the brands – Erasmus+
This training activity, in the frame of Erasmus+, aim to develop a general perspective on brand and brand management. To do this, theory, tools and techniques of branding and brand management…
Abierta inscripción curso TIC para adultos
Se abre la inscripción a los cursos de uso básico de las tecnologías (pc, tablet, movil) para personas adultas. Recuerda que todos ellos son GRATUITOS pero con plazas limitadas! Los…