In today’s world, digital tools are reshaping the way social entrepreneurs tackle challenges and create lasting impact. From enhancing communication to streamlining operations, technology has become an indispensable supporter for…
Etiqueta: Erasmus+
The Role of Non-Formal Education in Social Entrepreneurship
Social entrepreneurship has become a powerful way to tackle societal challenges by combining innovative ideas with a drive for social impact. At its core, it’s about giving people—especially young people—the…
What is Social Entrepreneurship? Understanding the Power of Purpose-Driven Business
In recent years, social entrepreneurship has emerged as a powerful approach to solving complex social issues through innovative business models. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, which prioritizes profit, social entrepreneurship balances purpose…
Informant a les futures informadores
A pesar de la crisis actual de la Covid-19 continuem les nostres xarrades informatives. Aquesta setmana hem estat fent dues xarrades als centres IES Jordi de Sant Jordi (València) i…
PlayIn’clusive Erasmus+ project started
Una nueva aventura Erasmus+ empieza para nuestra entidad, así que aprovechamos para contaros de que va y animaros a participar. A lo largo de 20 meses, vamos a tener que…
Techo de cristal en sector educativo – Erasmus+
Empezamos una nueva aventura Erasmus+, esta vez de la mano de socios Turcos y acompañados por alemanes, italianos y portugueses. El proyecto durará 2 años y tratará de analizar la situación…
Gender Violence among Youth and Teenagers – Erasmus+
La prevención de la violencia machista, especialmente en el sector de la adolescencia y juventud, ha sido el tema principal de este proyecto del Ayuntamiento de Picassent en el que…
Youth for inclusion, inclusion for youth – Croatia April2017
Association of deaf and hard of hearing Nova Gradiška has finished the implementation of the project activities within the KA 1 Learning mobility of individuals Training course under the title…
Youth for inclusion – TC in Croatia… coming soon!!!
Youth for inclusion, inclusion for youth Association of deaf and hard of hearing Nova Gradiška started the implementation of another project under Erasmus+ Programme framework. The project was approved by…
TPM – Reunion Transnacional Proyecto KA2
Durante los dias 15-19 de septiembre, ha tenido lugar la tercera reunion transnacional del proyecto KA2 ES8KeyComp, coordinado por Baltic Regional Fund y con socios de Estonia, Croacia y España.…
Diego Valero – EVS en Polonia
Diego nos cuenta como va su experiencia en el Servicio de Voluntariado Europeo en Polonia… Estando en España, me enteré de que había un SVE en Polonia durante un año…
Stronger with the brands – Erasmus+
This training activity, in the frame of Erasmus+, aim to develop a general perspective on brand and brand management. To do this, theory, tools and techniques of branding and brand management…