The Role of Digital Tools in Social Entrepreneurship

In today’s world, digital tools are reshaping the way social entrepreneurs tackle challenges and create lasting impact. From enhancing communication to streamlining operations, technology has become an indispensable supporter for…

The Role of Non-Formal Education in Social Entrepreneurship

Social entrepreneurship has become a powerful way to tackle societal challenges by combining innovative ideas with a drive for social impact. At its core, it’s about giving people—especially young people—the…

What is Social Entrepreneurship? Understanding the Power of Purpose-Driven Business

In recent years, social entrepreneurship has emerged as a powerful approach to solving complex social issues through innovative business models. Unlike traditional entrepreneurship, which prioritizes profit, social entrepreneurship balances purpose…

Social Business Support Model – Presentación en Valencia 22/Marzo

Presentación del proyecto Erasmus+ KA2, coordinado por «The Enterprise Center» UK, en el que se exponen los resultados del mismo. Agradecemos el apoyo y colaboración del Instituto Universitario de Investigación en Economía…

Developing games #ES8KeyComp

In the frame of the project #ES8KeyComp, where our organization is one of the partners, together with Latvia, Croatia and Estonia, we have started drafting the ideas for our games.…

Social entrepreneurship – Emprendimiento Social

Social enterprises (Third Sector Enterprises) are a growing sector within the UK and co-operatives and other models of community-based enterprise are developing across Europe, not always recognised as such or…

Nuevo proyecto Erasmus+ KA2

  Estamos empezando un nuevo proyecto KA2 de nuestra entidad, Emprendiendo y sorprendiendo mediante las 8 competencias clave será una oportunidad de crear un partenariado estratégico con socios de Letonia,…

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