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In Europe there is a mismatch in the recognition of competences between employers and potential employees. Some vulnerable groups in society, such as migrants and unemployed with a distance to the labour market, have problems in showing the competences they have due to a lack of di- plomas or certificates. These are the beneficiaries of the project SHARE the Badge which will be based on Open Badges and the SHARE method. The method was developed in a previous European project directed at young people in order to recognize and skills and competences gained from in- formal or non-formal learning. Not having a diploma or certificate, does not mean that a person has not gained competences. From September 2019 to 2021 the seven project partners aim to develop a Toolkit with offline materi- als for both, organizations and users, as well as a training course for orga- nizations on how to implement the method within their contexts. The bad- ges will increase the employability and at the same time strengthen the self-confidence and the active citizenship of the beneficiaries.
Project coordinator
Stichting Bloom (The Netherlands)
Partner organisations:
AC Amics de la Biblioteca de la Fonteta (Spain)
Volkshochschule im Landkreis Cham e.V., (Germany)
Associazione «In Progress» Calabria, (Italy)
Sud Concept Corsica, (France)
bit Schulungscenter GmbH, (Austria)
Työväen Akatemia (Finland)